Art Kitchen: Community Cooking

Art Kitchen: Community Cooking

Venue Across Panjim
Discipline Public Arts
Project by Tinu Verghis

Date 17 Dec | 18 Dec
Time 02:30 pm - 05:00 pm

Food is a gateway for defining culture. In traditional Indian culture, food was eaten as a form of worship. A portion of the food from the plate was offered to the gods before consumption. Using the hands to eat, with the 5 fingers touching each other, is a Yogic mudra called Samana mudra, which also activates the production of digestive juices in the stomach. Much of this traditional knowledge is disappearing with the passage of time. I am interested in using the production and consumption of food as an approachable way to activate our social imagination and to redefine the way we consume food, inspiring people to inhabit the world in a better way.

Participants will be provided with all that is required for the workshop. They will keep the sanna moulds.

Please note: Participants are expected to eat with their hands.

Disclaimer: We would like to thank you all for your overwhelming response to the Festival! It is this enthusiasm that makes our return to Panjim all the more special. Performances and workshops have limited seating. Those who had pre-registered for a performance/workshop will be given preference for entry. Beyond that, if seats are left, entry will be allowed on a first come first serve basis.
We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

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