Grain of the Voice

Grain of the Voice

Venue Old GMC Complex
Discipline Music
Project by Abhinay Khoparzi and Farah Mulla
Artists Farah Mulla , Abhinay Khoparzi

Date 18 Dec
Time 12:00 pm - 03:00 pm

A collection of theorist Roland Barthes’ essays, Image-Music-Text, is a formative book for artist Farah Mulla, and the starting point for this workshop. Together with creative technologist Abhinay Koparzi, Farah will take participants through a series of deep listening exercises to attune to “micro-sounds” in their environments. Using granular synthesis method and a participatory mode, this workshop explores the possibilities of stretching words and sound to the point of abstraction. 
*Image-Music-Text by Roland Barthes is part of the Under the Influence: 100 Books That Inspire Artists as a selection by Hong Kong-based artist Kurt Chan. 
A collaboration between AAAI x Future Landing

Disclaimer: We would like to thank you all for your overwhelming response to the Festival! It is this enthusiasm that makes our return to Panjim all the more special. Performances and workshops have limited seating. Those who had pre-registered for a performance/workshop will be given preference for entry. Beyond that, if seats are left, entry will be allowed on a first come first serve basis.
We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.
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