The Library of Edible Issues

The Library of Edible Issues

Venue Old GMC Complex
Discipline Special Project
Project by Elizabeth Yorke & Anusha Murthy
Artists Elizabeth Yorke , Anusha Murthy

Date 15 Dec | 16 Dec | 17 Dec | 18 Dec | 19 Dec | 20 Dec | 21 Dec | 22 Dec | 23 Dec
Time 12:00 pm - 12:00 am

Edible Issues is a food systems collective fostering thought and conversation on the Indian food system through public participatory events, research project. At Serendipity Arts Festival, there will be a library of books and zines across various topics ranging from agriculture to food culture, addressing some of the most commonly asked questions such as: What does “plant-based” mean in a country that has a large vegetarian culinary repertoire? How do we understand sustainability in the Indian context? Who is responsible for preserving our culinary culture? What influence does technology have on the way we eat?

Disclaimer: We would like to thank you all for your overwhelming response to the Festival! It is this enthusiasm that makes our return to Panjim all the more special. Performances and workshops have limited seating. Those who had pre-registered for a performance/workshop will be given preference for entry. Beyond that, if seats are left, entry will be allowed on a first come first serve basis.
We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

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